Join me as I begin my life with the Disney Cruise Line onboard the Disney Wonder! Travel the world, workin' for the Mouse and spreading pixie dust.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

A look inside the cupboard I'm gonna live in!


It's official, I get to live like Harry Potter. In the Privet-Drive years at least. In a wee cupboard-under-the-waterline.

Here's a fascinating glimpse into the lower decks where the crew will live.
Everyone prepares you for the idea that the crew cabin is quite small, and before I actually step inside one I'm trying to envision the smallest possible thing ever so at least I get a sigh of relief as opposed to a wave of disappointment.

On the downside:
  •  I'll have a roommate. On my contract, under "Berthing" - it's a shared room with at least one other guy.
  • I'll have to share a bathroom with said roommate in an already small space!
  • Roomie will soon learn to hate how loudly I snore/talk in my sleep
  • Roomie might use this as a hilarious opportunity to record one of my more exuberant, conversational sleeptalking episodes.
  • Roomie might smell like stinky dude smell!
  • Roomie might be either a huge slob or a huge neat freak.

On the plus side though:
  • I'll be rooming with someone from the Entertainment department - so either Cruise staff (hooray!), Youth Staff (hooray!), or Production (yay!)
  • This means that at the very least they'll be incredibly friendly, unless they're the sort that shuts all of that down after a long day of smiling
  • This also means chances are high that this smiley-friendly guy who either dances/sings/works with children isn't a douchebag and is genuinely someone I get along with
  • Alllso means chances are high that he's a gay dude, and that would be the best possible outcome. Or worst. Depending.

We start with the official look at the living spaces straight from the Mouse:

See how sincere they all are! Notice how the guy from a third-world country says the cabins are nice?
(Well yeah, compared to a slum.)

Now for some unofficial looks inside the cabins (none of these videos taken by me!)

Looks pretty much like living in res at college/university again. Complete with mega stash of empties. (Gross though, I'd never allow that to happen in such a small space!)

 And naturally, what better thing to do in your teeny tiny shared closet than get wasted and rock out?

Now for some middle ground, this video's from a Canadian dude who verrrry gleefully discusses how much he loves his job- and gives us a sneak peek at the living situation in a pretty straightforward, yet upbeat way.

Convinced ya to join us? Hmmmm?

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