Join me as I begin my life with the Disney Cruise Line onboard the Disney Wonder! Travel the world, workin' for the Mouse and spreading pixie dust.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Prince Month: Nylon & Eugene

Oh Prince Eugene. You sound MUCH less manly now :P

But listen to Zachary Levi's pipes in this one:

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Prince Month: BestLife & Naveen

-Personally I thought it was spelled Il Fraggi Prutto. And how can his frog form be on his shoulder at the same time!? Ay, shidanza!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Not-A-Prince Week: Men's Health & Shang

Annnnd it's the Asian one! Did you know he's voiced by Jackie Chan in the Cantonese version?

And who can forget this totally awesome song:

Monday, 21 January 2013

Not-A-Prince Week: Details & John Smith

Gasp! He's not a Prince! He doesn't even end up with the girl at the end! Travesty!

All this week: Not-Quite-Princes!

Friday, 18 January 2013

Prince Month: Time Magazine & Aladdin

Everyone seems to just ADORE ol' Al. He's one of the Princes that inspire me. A Prince-piration?

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Week 13 - Does not exist! -

So as a bit of seafarer bad luck, there shall be no Thirteenth Week of this voyage, especially as we continue to precariously sail close to the spookiest parts of the Bermuda Triangle.

The older sailors 'round these parts call it the Devil's Triangle. People have been.....disappearin', acting out of sorts. There are stories, always stories. But the Cap'n, he don't tell us nothin. It gets dark awful early these nights.

And then there's the screamin'. All hours of the night, whether from a cabin in the forward, an hour later one in the aft starts after the first one had barely stopped. Pour souls. There's always screamin' when we be traversin' the triangle. Ol' Ted swears we'll be out of this storm awful soon. It feels like we bin here for months.

Me, I think it's got something to do with all those lights miles below the surface. Just down there, blinking away. They can't be submarines, it's far too big. It'd have to be a whole fleet of thousands.

Sea crazy you say?!
I'll show you Sea Crazy.

Heh. :P

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Friday, 11 January 2013

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Monday, 7 January 2013


Heya folks,

In case you wanted a nice Map of Castaway Cay where I'll be on the beach all day chilling with the wee ones - here ya go! (Youth Activities area delightfully indicated with that clearly subtle red star.)

Fun Fact! 3/4 People you meet will pronounce the name of this place incorrectly.

(It's totally pronounced Cahsta-Why. Like Rasta-Pie. :P Don't believe me?)

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Prince Month: GQ & Charming

Take special note of the dates of these magazines publications ;) What do they represent?

Friday, 4 January 2013

Thursday, 3 January 2013


-Didn't you know?

It's officially the first month of the year and in Latin Princeps means "The first one". So it's a month dedicated to those lovely firstborn males, the right hand, the heirs. And that means that every so often I'll be posting up a lovely princely image for you to enjoy. Also because this month is verry busy! It'll be a whole bunch of Castaway Cay-ing and constant work!

Also, Happy birthday to my big bro Carlo! :D Don't get married while I'm away!